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Thanos agrees to fight Captain Marvel without his godlike powers and defeat with rather casually. Thanos is once against attacked by Destroyer who is easily repelled but Captain Marvel manages to find the cube, break it thereby depowering Thanos. Death is seen on panel laughing.

In the cosmic prison where Thanos had left him, Drax awoke to the coming danger of Thanos's plans. He then would reach trasnochado telepathically, warning Iron Man of the threat nearing his planet and the history the Titan had for violence. Yet the message was too late, Figura the brothers apprehended Tony before he could receive the distress call from Drax.

game. Since Thanos was now a standard playable character instead of a final boss, he was significantly toned down, with many of his moves being removed or nerfed for the sake of gameplay recuento.

He finds his own doppelganger, who plans to turn on the Magus. They battle each other and the true Thanos is the victor, despite his doppelgangers power advantage. It is here that Thanos overcomes his own self doubt and is able to absorb his power and knowledge to finally become whole again since the events of the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Magus leads them all to a dimension nearby his own, in hopes of them battling. He Triunfador lead Earth's heroes to believe Thanos and Adam Warlock are behind everything. They battle but are interrupted by Galactus, and he uses a scan to read all of their thoughts.

Thanos eventually manipulates Adam Warlock into unleashing the power of his soul gem , thereby killing the whole Army. Thanos also explains how defeating Magus is the priority and that Thanos can deal with Magus Ganador long Triunfador Warlock travel to his past and stop the creation of Magus.

Thanos returns with Tyrant's containment device which he uses to store energies, in this case Morg's Power Cosmic. He battles with Tyrant one on one and proves that even someone at Galactus' level is not above the power of Thanos.

featured a holiday episode back in 2014 where Thanos had a master plan to steal all the Terrigen Crystals from the Inhumans. Unfortunately, their security was a bit too scary so he had a backup plan: become Santa Claus. After all, breaking into houses is one of Santa’s superpowers!

His disembodied soul is later trapped outside the universe when it is reformed, causing him great anguish. He is eventually able to return to the known universe after following a hole made by Galactus.

Algún tiempo a posteriori de su batalla con Thane, Thanos viaja al mundo procedente de Chitauri. Sin embargo, al subyugar al planeta, es atacado por un ser identificado solo como The Rider, que captura a Thanos y usa un pedazo de la Piedra del Tiempo fracturada para traer a Thanos millones de años en el futuro, donde se encuentra con una interpretación decano de sí mismo que ha destruido casi toda la vida en el universo.[66]​Al principio, Thanos cree que es una especie de truco, pero está convencido una momento que el futuro Thanos pronuncia el nombre Dione, que la origen de Thanos había planeado llamarle antes de que se volviera loca.[67]​El rey Thanos revela que necesita la ayuda de su yo más joven para derrotar al Caído, el último ser dejado en el Universo, para que finalmente pueda reunirse con la Muerte.[68]​Pronto llega el Caído, que se revela como un surfista plateado oscurecido armado con las hordas de Annihilus y el fallecido Mjolnir de Thor, que utiliza este último para matar rápidamente al jinete. El surfista se distrae con el salvaje Hulk que Thanos mantuvo encadenado en su sótano, lo que permite que los dos Thanos lo maten usando la Espada Crepuscular de Surtur.

Annihilus, ruler of the Negative Zone, has gathered his forces and has invaded the Positive Zone. His army have proven to be unstoppable, and resistance has been squelched at every turn. Terrifyingly and inexplicably, Thanos has offered his services to Annihilus to be one of his Generals.

En el camino hacia Kyln, una prisión intergaláctica, Thanos se encuentra con la Crimen por primera ocasión desde que reconstruyó la existencia con el Corazón del Universo. La homicidio dice que vale la pena cortejar, pero dice que Thanos debe ofrecer poco más que la homicidio. En los encuentros de Kyln Thanos, Peter Quill, que se ha retirado del papel de Star-Lord, y el alborotador strontiano Púgil del Imperio Shi'ar, ambos prisioneros, Figuraí como el Beyonder, que se ha vuelto amnésico por su opción de admitir una forma humanoide femenina, Thanos lucha contra Beyonder, causando que su mente se apague y dejando su poder atrapado en una forma física en coma. Luego, Thanos instruye a los oficiales de Kyln para que mantengan a Más Allá de la Vida por tiempo indefinido a fin de evitar que la entidad renazca.

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